

文化 - 2024年4月4日

A Legacy Cast in Iron: 50 Years at Waupaca

金正日Viduski | Waupaca铸造

50年可以改变很多事情. 他的Menadue已经看到了这一切. From sand depositing improvements to molding processes, Hes has been part of Waupaca铸造’s growth into the iron casting juggernaut it is today. His 50-year career with Waupaca铸造 is as storied as the Foundry itself. 一切始于1974年……
威尼斯注册送38元总裁, 首席执行官, and COO Mike Nikolai (left) awards Hes Menadue (right) his 50-year anniversary ring.
“I was 递给 a shovel and a wheelbarrow,” Hes explains. “Nine hours a day, five days a week for nine months straight.来来回回, shoveling green molding sand into a wheelbarrow, running it up the ramp to the molding line and dumping it. Hes never counted how many times he pushed that wheelbarrow back and forth each day, but he claims it was into the hundreds. “Only lost the wheelbarrow in there a couple of times,” he says with a laugh.

出生并成长在沃帕卡地区, Hes worked at the Clark Service Station as a service attendant before family ties pushed him to give Waupaca铸造 a try. “My uncle was one of the original 13, 奥维尔Pomerenke. We 我们很亲密,
and he “conned” me into doing this,他笑着说.

Three days after his 18th birthday, Hes applied at Waupaca铸造. 当时是上午11点。.m. and he was told to come back around 1:30 p.m. “That was my orientation, by-the-way,” 他说. “我照吩咐回来了. Mr. Jim Larson, Human Resources executive back 然后, 递给 给我一双安全靴, 把我介绍给工头, 蒂姆·奥布莱恩, and he introduced me to the shovel and wheelbarrow,他笑着说. “We went up a little ramp, opened a door to the mill room…it was noisy and foggy. You've never seen the inside of a place like this. Big Wheelabrators …they're tumbling all these castings, so there's dust everywhere. 大家都在磨手. It was something else, that’s for sure!”

“Now it’s (sand) blown in and all automated,” Hes explains. “Back 然后 you had to manually keep everything clean, or it would build up under the tail pulleys, 头滑轮, and head poles and stop the cooling conveyors. 这是一场持续不断的战斗."

Hes fought the sand battle for about nine months. Then he applied his skills in other positions: a powered vehicle operator, 然后是挤压成型机, 铁腕大国, 冲天炉救援员, 圆顶的运营商, 和主管实习熔化. In January of 1981, he landed the position he would stay in for the rest of his career: melt foreman.

Hes-50th-Ring-Close-Up.jpgWaupaca铸造 Plant 1 employee, Hes Menadue's 50th Anniversary Ring.
“Hes was a great mentor to all employees, especially those who worked in melt,总统说。, 首席运营官兼首席执行官Mike Nikolai. “He was able to share his knowledge and good nature to make Waupaca铸造 a better place to work. He taught me about melting even though I was a metallurgist.”

Over the 50 years Hes has worked at Waupaca铸造, innovation and technology have driven improvement in safety and procedures. “(The Foundry has) just kept improving and improving. Seems like every 10 years they were putting in a new cupola,” 他说. “Iron transfers are the same but have gotten a lot faster. 铁的浇筑变得更好了.” Hes explains, “Back 然后 we had to do hand pouring on the [horizontal molding] machines. You sat on your little bench above the top of the molds and poured each one as they came through. It was suspended up in the air and we tilted it.”

关于安全, 他说, “The only safety stuff you had was your metal jackets…big aluminum jackets. You had spats, and you had your Lumina? 裤子. There was this big, aluminized hood, but you had no air. So, the air hoods [we have now] are amazing.”

As Hes looks back on his 50 years, he points to why he loved his job at Waupaca铸造 so much. He says, “I really liked what I did when I got to the melt department. 我有各种各样的工作. 我在里面和外面. Doing something different all the time. And working with iron is interesting.”

Interesting stories came along with his interesting work. 而且他有很多. “多么美好的时光啊!.他笑着说. He admits there were a few shenanigans throughout the years, but he quips that no equipment was broken, 没有人受伤. “都很有趣。. It made some of the long days seem not so long,” he says.

Hes credits his strong work ethic and attitude for doing well in the melt department and being promoted. 
“我有动力. 我有野心. I had the willingness to help others. 干这活很辛苦. Doing it together makes it a whole lot easier.”
他解释了自己的监督风格. “I was firmon making sure things got done the way they were supposed to," he says. "But I wouldn’t do anything I wouldn’t ask my guys to do. I would rather go into a dangerous situation before I sent my guys in. 我非常关心我的团队.

You’d think that pouring your sweat into your work for 50 years would be long enough. 但对他来说不是这样. He’s staying on board part-time doing what he’s been doing: startups and cupola repairs. 为什么? “我会觉得很无聊,”他说.

Waupaca铸造 extends a huge congratulations to Hes for 50 years of dedicated service and thank him for helping make Waupaca铸造 the foundry of choice for those seeking to discover the power of true capacity.
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